Modeling the Ages and Chemical Abundances of Elliptical Galaxies

Autor: Gountanis, Nicole Marcelina, Weinberg, David H., Beverage, Aliza G., Sandford, Nathan R., Conroy, Charlie, Kriek, Mariska
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Spectroscopic studies of elliptical galaxies show that their stellar population ages, mean metallicity, and $\alpha$-enhancement traced by [Mg/Fe] all increase with galaxy stellar mass or velocity dispersion. We use one-zone galactic chemical evolution (GCE) models with a flexible star formation history (SFH) to model the age, [Mg/H], and [Mg/Fe] inferred from simple stellar population (SSP) fits to observed ellipticals at $z \sim 0$ and $z \sim 0.7$. We show that an SSP fit to the spectrum computed from a full GCE model gives ages and abundances close to the light-weighted, logarithmically averaged values of the composite stellar population, , <[Mg/H]>, and <[Mg/Fe]>. With supernova Mg and Fe yields fixed to values motivated by Milky Way stellar populations, we find that predicted <[Mg/H]>- and <[Mg/Fe]>- relations are surprisingly insensitive to SFH parameters: older galaxies have higher <[Mg/Fe]>, but the detailed form of the SFH has limited impact. The star formation efficiency and outflow efficiency affect the early and late evolution of <[Mg/H]>, respectively; explaining observed trends requires higher star formation efficiency and lower outflows in more massive galaxies. With core collapse supernova yields calibrated to the plateau [Mg/Fe]$_{\rm cc} \approx0.45$ observed in many Milky Way studies, our models underpredict the observed <[Mg/Fe]> ratios of ellipticals by 0.05-0.1 dex. Increasing the core collapse yield ratio to [Mg/Fe]$_{\rm cc} = 0.55$ improves the agreement, though the models still lie below the data. We discuss potential resolutions of this discrepancy, including the possibility that many ellipticals terminate their star formation with a self-enriching, terminating burst that reduces the light-weighted age and boosts <[Mg/Fe]>.
Databáze: arXiv