Five-stage ordering to a topological-defect-mediated ground state in a buckyball artificial spin ice

Autor: Macauley, Gavin M., Berchialla, Luca, Derlet, Peter M., Heyderman, Laura J.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Artificial spin ices are arrays of coupled nanomagnets, which exhibit a variety of fascinating collective behaviour including emergent magnetic monopoles, charge screening, and novel phase transitions. However, they have mainly been confined to two dimensions due to the challenges inherent to their fabrication and characterisation in three dimensions. Exploiting the third dimension offers new degrees of freedom leading to, for example, topological effects that arise from the curvature. Here, using numerical simulations, we uncover the low-temperature magnetic behaviour of a finite three-dimensional spin lattice: the buckyball artificial spin ice, where the spins are located on the edges of a regular buckyball. This frustrated system has a non-trivial structural topology that results in a rich spectrum of thermal magnetic behaviour, beginning with a crossover from paramagnetism to a Spin-Ice sector followed by the formation of an imperfect charge crystal, before partial spin order is established in three separate steps. The final ground state configuration is described by a pair of robust topological magnetic defects that arise because of the finite curved nature of the spatial-spin interaction. Our work uncovers the intricate thermodynamics of the buckyball artificial spin ice. In doing so, we pave the way to designing unusual magnetic textures in other curved three-dimensional nanomagnetic systems by exploiting the interplay between structural topology and the dipolar interaction.
Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures
Databáze: arXiv