Laminator: Verifiable ML Property Cards using Hardware-assisted Attestations

Autor: Duddu, Vasisht, Järvinen, Oskari, Gunn, Lachlan J, Asokan, N
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Regulations increasingly call for various assurances from machine learning (ML) model providers about their training data, training process, and the behavior of resulting models during inference. For better transparency, companies (e.g., Huggingface and Google) have adopted model cards and datasheets which describe different properties of the training datasets and models. In the same vein, we introduce the notion of an inference card to describe the properties of a given inference (e.g., binding output to the model and its corresponding input). We collectively refer to these as ML property cards. A malicious model provider can include false information in ML property cards, raising a need for verifiable ML property cards. We show how to realized them using property attestation, technical mechanisms by which a prover (e.g., a model provider) can attest different ML properties during training and inference to a verifier (e.g., an auditor). However, prior attestation mechanisms based purely on cryptography are often narrowly focused (lacking versatility) and inefficient. There is a need to efficiently attest different types properties across the ML model training and inference pipeline. Recent developments make it possible to run and even train models inside hardware-assisted trusted execution environments (TEEs), which can provide highly efficient attestation. We propose Laminator, the first framework for verifiable ML property cards using hardware-assisted ML property attestations to efficiently furnish attestations for various ML properties for training and inference. It scales to multiple verifiers, and is independent of the model configuration.
Databáze: arXiv