A Deligne conjecture for prestacks

Autor: Campos, Ricardo, Hermans, Lander
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We prove an analog of the Deligne conjecture for prestacks. We show that given a prestack $\mathbb A$, its Gerstenhaber--Schack complex $\mathbf{C}_{\mathsf{GS}}(\mathbb A)$ is naturally an $E_2$-algebra. This structure generalises both the known $\mathsf{L}_\infty$-algebra structure on $\mathbf{C}_{\mathsf{GS}}(\mathbb A)$, as well as the Gerstenhaber algebra structure on its cohomology $\mathbf{H}_{\mathsf{GS}}(\mathbb A)$. The main ingredient is the proof of a conjecture of Hawkins \cite{hawkins}, stating that the homology of the dg operad $\mathsf{Quilt}$ has vanishing homology in positive degrees. As a corollary, $\Quilt$ is quasi-isomorphic to the operad $\mathsf{Brace}$ encoding brace algebras. In addition, we improve the $L_\infty$-structure on $\Quilt$ be showing that it originates from a $\mathsf{PreLie}_\infty$-structure lifting the $\mathsf{PreLie}$-structure on $\mathsf{Brace}$ in homology.
Comment: Comments are welcome
Databáze: arXiv