Spin-orbit coupling induced orbital entanglement in a three-band Hubbard model

Autor: Igoshev, Petr A., Chizhov, Danil E., Irkhin, Valentin Yu., Streltsov, Sergey V.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The effect of the spin-orbit coupling on the ground state properties of the square-lattice three-band Hubbard model with a single electron per site is studied by a generalized Hartree-Fock approximation. We calculate the full phase diagram and show that there appear additional orbital-entangled phases brought about by competition of various exchange channels or by the spin-orbit coupling in addition to conventional states stabilized by the Kugel-Khomskii mechanism. One of these phases previously proposed to explain magnetic properties of Sr$_2$VO$_4$ is characterized by vanishing dipolar magnetic moments and antiferro-octupolar ordering. We calculated microscopic parameters for this material and demonstrate that it is located near a phase boundary of two orbital-entangled and two conventional antiferromagnetic ferro-orbital states.
Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B
Databáze: arXiv