Magnetic effects in the Hadron Resonance Gas

Autor: Marczenko, Michał, Szymański, Michał, Lo, Pok Man, Karmakar, Bithika, Huovinen, Pasi, Sasaki, Chihiro, Redlich, Krzysztof
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We discuss the modeling of the hadronic phase of QCD at finite magnetic field in the framework of hadron resonance gas (HRG). We focus on the statistical description of particle yields that include contribution from resonance decays. We demonstrate that the swift increase in the number of protons with magnetic field predicted in the HRG is due to the ill-defined description of higher-spin states. We discuss fluctuations of conserved charges and show that at present the qualitative comparison of the model predictions with the Lattice QCD data should be treated with care. We also discuss the principle of detailed balance which allows to study the magnetic field dependence of neutral resonances.
Databáze: arXiv