M4U: Evaluating Multilingual Understanding and Reasoning for Large Multimodal Models

Autor: Wang, Hongyu, Xu, Jiayu, Xie, Senwei, Wang, Ruiping, Li, Jialin, Xie, Zhaojie, Zhang, Bin, Xiong, Chuyan, Chen, Xilin
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Multilingual multimodal reasoning is a core component in achieving human-level intelligence. However, most existing benchmarks for multilingual multimodal reasoning struggle to differentiate between models of varying performance; even language models without visual capabilities can easily achieve high scores. This leaves a comprehensive evaluation of leading multilingual multimodal models largely unexplored. In this work, we introduce M4U, a novel and challenging benchmark for assessing the capability of multi-discipline multilingual multimodal understanding and reasoning. M4U contains 8,931 samples covering 64 disciplines across 16 subfields in Science, Engineering, and Healthcare in Chinese, English, and German. Using M4U, we conduct extensive evaluations of 21 leading Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) and Large Language Models (LLMs) with external tools. The evaluation results show that the state-of-the-art model, GPT-4o, achieves only 47.6% average accuracy on M4U. Additionally, we observe that the leading LMMs exhibit significant language preferences. Our in-depth analysis indicates that leading LMMs, including GPT-4o, suffer performance degradation when prompted with cross-lingual multimodal questions, such as images with key textual information in Chinese while the question is in German. We believe that M4U can serve as a crucial tool for systematically evaluating LMMs based on their multilingual multimodal reasoning capabilities and monitoring their development. The homepage, codes and data are public available.
Comment: Work in progress
Databáze: arXiv