Exotic d-wave Bose Metal in two dimensions

Autor: Cao, Zhangkai, Su, Jiahao, Li, Jianyu, Ying, Tao, Wang, WanSheng, Sun, Jin-Hua, Tang, Ho-Kin, Lin, Haiqing
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The Landau Fermi liquid theory, a cornerstone in condensed matter physics, encounters limitations in explaining certain phenomena, like the peculiar behavior of strange metals in high-temperature superconductors. Non-Fermi liquids, like Bose metals with uncondensed bosonic ground state, offer potential explanations, yet constructing an elusive Bose metal phase in two dimensions (2D) remains a formidable challenge. Utilizing constraint path quantum Monte Carlo and functional renormalization group methods on a fermionic system with spin anisotropy in a 2D lattice, we reveal the emergence of a Cooper pair Bose metal in a highly anisotropic regime (a < 0.30) with wide range of filling, most notably at a filling fraction of n~0.8. Our findings exhibit a visible nonzero momentum Bose surface in the Cooper-pair distribution function, accompanied by a distinct signal of dxy correlation between pairs. Our results highlight that spin-dependent anisotropy in the Fermi surface leads to versatile pairing forms. Platforms such as ultracold atoms in optical lattices and recently proposed altermagnets hold promise for realizing this intriguing phase.
Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures
Databáze: arXiv