A $\Gamma$-convergence of level-two large deviation for metastable systems: The case of zero-range processes

Autor: Choi, Kyuhyeon
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This study explores the relationship between the precise asymptotics of the level-two large deviation rate function and the behavior of metastable stochastic systems. Initially identified for overdamped Langevin dynamics (Ges{\`u} et al., SIAM J Math Anal 49(4), 3048-3072, 2017), this connection has been validated across various models, including random walks in a potential field. We extend this connection to condensing zero-range processes, a complex interacting particle system. Specifically, we investigate a certain class of zero-range processes on a fixed graph $G$ with $N > 0$ particles and interaction parameter $\alpha > 1$. On the time scale $N^2$, this process behaves like an absorbing-type diffusion and converges to a condensed state where all particles occupy a single vertex of $G$ as $N$ approaches infinity. Once condensed, on the time scale $N^{1+\alpha}$, the condensed site moves according to a Markov chain on $G$, showing metastable behavior among condensed states. The time scales $N^2$ and $N^{1+\alpha}$ are called the pre-metastable and metastable time scales. It is conjectured that this behavior is encapsulated in the level-two large deviation rate function $\mathcal{I}_N$ of the zero-range process. Specifically, it is expected that the $\Gamma$-expansion of $\mathcal{I}_N$ can be expressed as:$$\mathcal{I}_N = \frac{1}{N^2} \mathcal{K} + \frac{1}{N^{1+\alpha}} \mathcal{J},$$ where $\mathcal{K}$ and $\mathcal{J}$ are the level-two large deviation rate functions of the absorbing diffusion processes and the Markov chain on $G$. We rigorously prove this $\Gamma$-expansion by developing a methodology for $\Gamma$-convergence in the pre-metastable time scale and establishing a link between the resolvent approach to metastability (Landim et al., J Eur Math Soc, 2023. arXiv:2102.00998) and the $\Gamma$-expansion in the metastable time scale.
Comment: 58 pages
Databáze: arXiv