Dark matter in QCD-like theories with a theta vacuum: cosmological and astrophysical implications

Autor: García-Cely, Camilo, Landini, Giacomo, Zapata, Óscar
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: QCD-like theories in which the dark matter (DM) of the Universe is hypothesized to be a thermal relic in the form of a dark pion has been extensively investigated, with most studies neglecting the CP-violating $\theta$-angle associated with the topological vacuum. We point out that a non-vanishing $\theta$ could potentially trigger resonant number-changing processes giving rise to the observed relic density in agreement with perturbative unitarity as well as observations of clusters of galaxies. This constitutes a novel production mechanism of MeV DM and an alternative to those relying on the Wess-Zumino-Witten term. Moreover, for specific meson mass spectra, similar resonant scatterings serve as a realization of velocity-dependent self-interacting DM without a light mediator. Explicit benchmark models are presented together with a discussion of possible signals, including gravitational waves from the chiral phase transition associated with the dark pions.
Comment: 5+5 pages, 4 figures; references added, discussion on BM2 extended
Databáze: arXiv