The Thousand Faces of Pythagoras (As Mil Faces de Pit\'agoras)

Autor: Mandolesi, André L. G.
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: Revista de Matem\'atica Hip\'atia, 1(2):27--36, 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The Pythagorean Theorem is one of the oldest, more famous and more useful theorems of Mathematics, and possibly the one that has had the most impact in the evolution of this and other sciences. In this article, we look at it from different perpectives, some of them uncommon. We recall some of its history, some well known applications and generalizations, other less known ones, and show it still has many surprising facets which are usually ignored. (O Teorema de Pit\'agoras (TP) \'e um dos mais antigos, famosos e \'uteis teoremas da Matem\'atica, e possivelmente o que maior impacto teve na evolu\c{c}\~ao desta e outras ci\^encias. Neste artigo, vamos olhar para este velho conhecido de diferentes perspectivas, algumas pouco usuais. Iremos lembrar um pouco da sua hist\'oria, algumas aplica\c{c}\~oes e generaliza\c{c}\~oes bem conhecidas, outras nem tanto, e ver que ele guarda muitas facetas surpreendentes e geralmente ignoradas.)
Comment: in Portuguese language
Databáze: arXiv