Competing bootstrap processes on the random graph $G(n,p)$

Autor: Garetto, Michele, Leonardi, Emilio, Torrisi, Giovanni Luca
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We consider a generalization of classic bootstrap percolation in which two competing processes concurrently evolve on the same graph $G(n,p)$. Nodes can be in one of three states, conveniently represented by different colors: red, black and white. Initially, a given number $a_R$ of active red nodes (red seeds) are selected uniformly at random among the $n$ nodes. Similarly, a given number $a_B$ of active black nodes (black seeds) are selected uniformly at random among the other $n-a_R$ nodes. All remaining nodes are initially white (inactive). White nodes wake up at times dictated by independent Poisson clocks of rate 1. When a white node wakes up, it checks the state of its neighbors: if the number of red (black) neighbors exceeds the number of black (red) neighbors by a fixed amount $r \geq 2$, the node becomes an active red (black) node, and remains so forever. The parameters of the model are, besides $r$ (fixed) and $n$ (tending to $\infty$), the numbers $a_R$ ($a_B$) of initial red (black) seeds, and the edge existence probability $p=p(n)$. We study the size $A^*_R$ ($A^*_B$) of the final set of active red (black) nodes, identifying different regimes which are analyzed under suitable time-scales, allowing us to obtain detailed (asymptotic) temporal dynamics of the two concurrent activation processes.
Databáze: arXiv