Progress toward a zero-magnetic-field environment for ultracold-atom experiments

Autor: Rogora, Chiara, Cominotti, Riccardo, Baroni, Cosetta, Andreoni, Diego, Lamporesi, Giacomo, Zenesini, Alessandro, Ferrari, Gabriele
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: Phys. Rev. A 110, 013319 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.110.013319
Popis: The minimization of the magnetic field plays a crucial role in ultracold gas research. For instance, the contact interaction dominates all the other energy scales in the zero magnetic field limit, giving rise to novel quantum phases of matter. However, lowering magnetic fields well below the mG level is often challenging in ultracold gas experiments. In this article, we apply Landau-Zener spectroscopy to characterize and reduce the magnetic field on an ultracold gas of sodium atoms to a few tens of {\mu}G. The lowest magnetic field achieved here opens to observing novel phases of matter with ultracold spinor Bose gases.
Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures
Databáze: arXiv