Around the positive graph conjecture

Autor: Conlon, David, Lee, Joonkyung, Versteegen, Leo
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: A graph $H$ is said to be positive if the homomorphism density $t_H(G)$ is non-negative for all weighted graphs $G$. The positive graph conjecture proposes a characterisation of such graphs, saying that a graph is positive if and only if it is symmetric, in the sense that it is formed by gluing two copies of some subgraph along an independent set. We prove several results relating to this conjecture. First, we make progress towards the conjecture itself by showing that any connected positive graph must have a vertex of even degree. We then make use of this result to identify some new counterexamples to the analogue of Sidorenko's conjecture for hypergraphs. In particular, we show that, for $r$ odd, every $r$-uniform tight cycle is a counterexample, generalising a recent result of Conlon, Lee and Sidorenko that dealt with the case $r=3$. Finally, we relate the positive graph conjecture to the emerging study of graph codes by showing that any positive graph has vanishing graph code density, thereby improving a result of Alon who proved the same result for symmetric graphs. Our proofs make use of a variety of tools and techniques, including the properties of independence polynomials, hypergraph quasirandomness and discrete Fourier analysis.
Comment: 14 pages
Databáze: arXiv