$L$-space knots with positive surgeries that are not weakly symplectically fillable

Autor: Nonino, Isacco
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: In this paper we discuss a general strategy to detect the absence of weakly symplectic fillings of $L$-spaces. We start from a generic $L$-space knot and consider (positive) Dehn surgeries on it. We compute, using arithmetic data depending only on the knot type and the surgery coefficient, the value of the relevant geometric invariants used to obstruct fillability. We also provide a new example of an infinite family of hyperbolic $L$-spaces that do not admit weakly symplectic fillings. These are manifolds that lie inside $\{\text{Tight}\}$ but not inside $\{\text{Weakly Fillable}\}$.
Comment: Comments welcome!
Databáze: arXiv