The LHCb VELO Upgrade Module Construction

Autor: Akiba, K., Alexander, M., Bertella, C., Biolchini, A., Bitadze, A., Bogdanova, G., Borghi, S., Bowcock, T. J. V., Bridges, K., Brock, M., Burke, A. T., Buytaert, J., Byczynski, W., Carroll, J., Coco, V., Collins, P., Davis, A., Francisco, O. De Aguiar, De Bruyn, K., De Capua, S., De Roo, K., Doherty, F., Douglas, L., Dufour, L., Dumps, R., Dutta, D., Eklund, L., Elvin, A., Farry, S., Prieto, A. Fernandez, Lima, V. Franco, Freestone, J., Fuzipeg, C., Galati, M. D., Torreira, A. Gallas, Geertsema, R. E., Gersabeck, E., Gersabeck, M., Grant, F., Halewood-leagas, T., Hennessy, K., Hulsbergen, W., Hutchcroft, D., Hynds, D., Jans, E., John, D., John, M., Jurik, N., Ketel, T., Klaver, S., Kopciewicz, P., Kostiuk, I., Kraan, M., Langstaff, M., Latham, T., Leflat, A., Cid, E. Lemos, Lukashenko, V., Merk, M., Milovanovic, M., Monk, M., Murray, D., Nasteva, I., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Pajero, T., Parkes, C., Alvarez, A. Pazos, Trigo, E. Perez, Perry, M., Reiss, F., Rinnert, K., Rodriguez, E. Rodriguez, Rovekamp, J., Sanders, F., Smead, L. G. Scantlebury, Schiller, M., Shears, T., Smith, N. A., Snoch, A., Svihra, P., Szumlak, T., van Beuzekom, M., van Overbeek, M., Regueiro, P. Vazquez, Volkov, V., Wormald, M., Zunica, G.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The LHCb detector has undergone a major upgrade for LHC Run 3. This Upgrade I detector facilitates operation at higher luminosity and utilises full-detector information at the LHC collision rate, critically including the use of vertex information. A new vertex locator system, the VELO Upgrade, has been constructed. The core element of the new VELO are the double-sided pixelated hybrid silicon detector modules which operate in vacuum close to the LHC beam in a high radiation environment. The construction and quality assurance tests of these modules are described in this paper. The modules incorporate 200 \mum thick, n-on-p silicon sensors bump-bonded to 130 \nm technology ASICs. These are attached with high precision to a silicon microchannel substrate that uses evaporative CO$_2$ cooling. The ASICs are controlled and read out with flexible printed circuits that are glued to the substrate and wire-bonded to the chips. The mechanical support of the module is given by a carbon fibre plate, two carbon fibre rods and an aluminium plate. The sensor attachment was achieved with an average precision of 21 $\mathrm{\mu m}$, more than 99.5\% of all pixels are fully functional, and a thermal figure of merit of 3 \mathrm{Kcm^{2}W^{-1}}$ was achieved. The production of the modules was successfully completed in 2021, with the final assembly and installation completed in time for data taking in 2022.
Databáze: arXiv