Accelerated Methods with Compression for Horizontal and Vertical Federated Learning

Autor: Stanko, Sergey, Karimullin, Timur, Beznosikov, Aleksandr, Gasnikov, Alexander
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Distributed optimization algorithms have emerged as a superior approaches for solving machine learning problems. To accommodate the diverse ways in which data can be stored across devices, these methods must be adaptable to a wide range of situations. As a result, two orthogonal regimes of distributed algorithms are distinguished: horizontal and vertical. During parallel training, communication between nodes can become a critical bottleneck, particularly for high-dimensional and over-parameterized models. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance current methods with strategies that minimize the amount of data transmitted during training while still achieving a model of similar quality. This paper introduces two accelerated algorithms with various compressors, working in the regime of horizontal and vertical data division. By utilizing a momentum and variance reduction technique from the Katyusha algorithm, we were able to achieve acceleration and demonstrate one of the best asymptotics for the horizontal case. Additionally, we provide one of the first theoretical convergence guarantees for the vertical regime. Our experiments involved several compressor operators, including RandK and PermK, and we were able to demonstrate superior practical performance compared to other popular approaches.
Databáze: arXiv