High-Temperature Gibbs States are Unentangled and Efficiently Preparable

Autor: Bakshi, Ainesh, Liu, Allen, Moitra, Ankur, Tang, Ewin
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We show that thermal states of local Hamiltonians are separable above a constant temperature. Specifically, for a local Hamiltonian $H$ on a graph with degree $\mathfrak{d}$, its Gibbs state at inverse temperature $\beta$, denoted by $\rho =e^{-\beta H}/ \textrm{tr}(e^{-\beta H})$, is a classical distribution over product states for all $\beta < 1/(c\mathfrak{d})$, where $c$ is a constant. This sudden death of thermal entanglement upends conventional wisdom about the presence of short-range quantum correlations in Gibbs states. Moreover, we show that we can efficiently sample from the distribution over product states. In particular, for any $\beta < 1/( c \mathfrak{d}^3)$, we can prepare a state $\epsilon$-close to $\rho$ in trace distance with a depth-one quantum circuit and $\textrm{poly}(n) \log(1/\epsilon)$ classical overhead. A priori the task of preparing a Gibbs state is a natural candidate for achieving super-polynomial quantum speedups, but our results rule out this possibility above a fixed constant temperature.
Databáze: arXiv