The defect, the Malgrange functor, and linear control systems

Autor: Martsinkovsky, Alex
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The notion of defect of a finitely presented functor on a module category is extended to arbitrary additive functors. The new defect and the contravariant Yoneda embedding form a right adjoint pair. The main result identifies the defect of the covariant Hom modulo projectives with the Bass torsion of the fixed argument. When applied to a linear control systems, it shows that the defect of the Malgrange functor of the system modulo projectives is isomorphic to the autonomy of the system. Furthermore, the defect of the contravariant Hom modulo injectives is shown to be isomorphic to the cotorsion coradical of the fixed argument. Since the Auslander-Gruson-Jensen transform of cotorsion is isomorphic to torsion, the above results raise two important questions: a) what is a control-theoretic interpretation of the covariant Yoneda embedding of the Malgrange module modulo injectives, and b) what is a control-theoretic interpretation of the Auslander-Gruson-Jensen duality?
Comment: 11 pages. This text is an expanded version of Section 4 of an earlier version of the preprint entitled "The finite presentation of the stable Hom functors, the Bass torsion, and the cotorsion coradical". arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2212.09237
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