Stoner ferromagnetism, correlated metal and thermoelectricity in partially flat-band materials

Autor: Majidi, Leyla, Vaezi, Abolhassan, Kargarian, Mehdi
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Recent discovery of correlated electronic phases in twisted heterostructures raised a surge of interests in studying models and materials with flat bands where the electronic excitations are nearly dispersionless in momentum space. As such, the kinetic energy is quenched and the correlations are enhanced, giving rise to a plethora of unusual magnetic, superconducting and transport behaviors. Finding materials whose energy bands are completely flat is rather challenging, yet those whose dispersion is flat only in a portion of the momentum space might be more accessible in material search. In this work, we propose a partially flat-band system on a square lattice. Using the Hubbard model, it is demonstrated that the suppression of the electronic kinetic energy in the flat portion of the band dispersion drives the system to Stoner ferromagnetism even at very weak interactions, i.e., much smaller than the bandwidth, with significantly enhanced Curie temperature. While the low-energy magnon modes are well defined collective excitations, flat magnon bands can be observed at high energies. We show that the strong interaction leads to reduction of the flat portion of the magnon band. However, tuning the chemical potential at a strong interaction regime may lead to spin density wave at finite wave vectors. Then, focusing on the non-magnetic correlated phase and using dynamical mean-field theory, we demonstrate the appearance of a flat-band induced sharp peak in the density of states in addition to the correlation-induced Mott bands. Furthermore, the large seebeck coefficient and the figure of merit of the proposed partially flat-band model, compared to symmetric regular band models, put them in the category of efficient thermoelectric materials.
Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures
Databáze: arXiv