Gravity as a topological gauge theory

Autor: Lazzarini, S., Thibaut, J.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We describe a topological gauge theory with underlying Cartan geometry $G/H$ and principal $H$-bundle. The topological action is constructed as a linear combination of the Euler and Pontrjagin numbers coming from entries of the curvature $\bar{\Omega}$ of a Cartan connection. As an example we show that for $G = SO(4,1)$ (respectively $SO(3,2)$) for $\Lambda_0 > 0$ (respectively $\Lambda_0 < 0$), and $H=SO(3,1)$, a very particular linear combination yields the Holst + Euler and Pontrjagin of the curvature $R$ of the spin connection + Nieh-Yan + bare cosmological constant $\Lambda_0$ terms. Additionally, in this construction, the coupling constants of these different terms are inherently linked together. The other example treated is the one of the M\"obius group $G= SO(4,2) /\{\pm I\}$ and $H = CO(4,2) \ltimes \mathbb{R}^{3,1}$. By considering a constraint on the "pair of frames" $(\alpha,\beta)$ we retrieve an action comprising all terms compatible with diffeomorphism invariance and local Lorentz invariance described in the previous example + kinetic term for a scalar field $+$ an interaction of that scalar field with the Torsion $T$, the scalar field being related to dilation. Finally, in both examples, we study the equations of motion associated to the total (Gauge + Matter) action. It is especially shown that one of the solutions in the M\"obius case consists of Einstein's equations modified by the Holst and Nieh-Yan terms with an additional source term for curvature depending on specific variations of spin density of matter.
Comment: Corrected typos, improvements
Databáze: arXiv