Synthetic data generation for system identification: leveraging knowledge transfer from similar systems

Autor: Piga, Dario, Rufolo, Matteo, Maroni, Gabriele, Mejari, Manas, Forgione, Marco
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This paper addresses the challenge of overfitting in the learning of dynamical systems by introducing a novel approach for the generation of synthetic data, aimed at enhancing model generalization and robustness in scenarios characterized by data scarcity. Central to the proposed methodology is the concept of knowledge transfer from systems within the same class. Specifically, synthetic data is generated through a pre-trained meta-model that describes a broad class of systems to which the system of interest is assumed to belong. Training data serves a dual purpose: firstly, as input to the pre-trained meta model to discern the system's dynamics, enabling the prediction of its behavior and thereby generating synthetic output sequences for new input sequences; secondly, in conjunction with synthetic data, to define the loss function used for model estimation. A validation dataset is used to tune a scalar hyper-parameter balancing the relative importance of training and synthetic data in the definition of the loss function. The same validation set can be also used for other purposes, such as early stopping during the training, fundamental to avoid overfitting in case of small-size training datasets. The efficacy of the approach is shown through a numerical example that highlights the advantages of integrating synthetic data into the system identification process.
Databáze: arXiv