A Simple and Near-Optimal Algorithm for Directed Expander Decompositions

Autor: Sulser, Aurelio L., Gutenberg, Maximilian Probst
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: In this work, we present the first algorithm to compute expander decompositions in an $m$-edge directed graph with near-optimal time $\tilde{O}(m)$. Further, our algorithm can maintain such a decomposition in a dynamic graph and again obtains near-optimal update times. Our result improves over previous algorithms of Bernstein-Probst Gutenberg-Saranurak (FOCS 2020), Hua-Kyng-Probst Gutenberg-Wu (SODA 2023) that only obtained algorithms optimal up to subpolynomial factors. At the same time, our algorithm is much simpler and more accessible than previous work. In order to obtain our new algorithm, we present a new push-pull-relabel flow framework that generalizes the classic push-relabel flow algorithm of Goldberg-Tarjan (JACM 1988), which was later dynamized for computing expander decompositions in undirected graphs by Henzinger-Rao-Wang (SIAM J. Comput. 2020), Saranurak-Wang (SODA 2019). We then show that the flow problems formulated in recent work of Hua-Kyng-Probst Gutenberg-Wu (SODA 2023) to decompose directed graphs can be solved much more efficiently in the push-pull-relabel flow framework.
Databáze: arXiv