Magnetic properties of binary alloys Ni1-xMox and Ni1-yCuy close to critical concentrations

Autor: Lin, R. -Z., Hsu, C. -H., Liu, E. -P., Chen, W. -T., Huang, C. -L.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The search for the ferromagnetic quantum critical point (FM QCP) has always been a captivating research topic in the scientific community. In pursuit of this goal, we introduced nonmagnetic transition metals to alloy with elemental nickel, and studied the magnetic properties of nickel binary alloys Ni1-xMox and Ni1-yCuy as a function of x and y up to the critical concentrations x_{cr} and y_{cr} at which the FM transition T_C disappears. T_C-x(y) phase diagrams were constructed via the Arrott-Noakes scaling of magnetization data. An enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient (the value of C/T as T \rightarrow 0) is observed near y_{cr}, manifesting the effect of quantum fluctuations near the quantum phase transition. It is evident that C/T diverges with -logT down to 0.1 K in the vicinity of y_{cr}, suggests the plausible FM QCP in Ni1-yCuy. However, in the case of Ni1-xMox, although the enhancement of the Sommerfeld coefficient is also observed near x_{cr}, the spin glass behavior is identified through the ac magnetic susceptibility measurement. This observation rules out the possibility of the existence of the FM QCP in Ni1-xMox.
Comment: The phase diagram figure is distorted during the conversion from jpg tp eps format
Databáze: arXiv