Peak Effect and Dynamics of Stripe and Pattern Forming Systems on a Periodic One Dimensional Substrate

Autor: Reichhardt, C., Reichhardt, C. J. O.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We examine the ordering, pinning, and dynamics of two-dimensional pattern forming systems interacting with a periodic one-dimensional substrate. In the absence of the substrate, particles with competing long-range repulsion and short-range attraction form anisotropic crystal, stripe, and bubble states. When the system is tuned across the stripe transition in the presence of a substrate, we find that there is a peak effect in the critical depinning force when the stripes align and become commensurate with the substrate. Under an applied drive, the anisotropic crystal and stripe states can exhibit soliton depinning and plastic flow. When the stripes depin plastically, they dynamically reorder into a moving stripe state that is perpendicular to the substrate trough direction. We also find that when the substrate spacing is smaller than the widths of the bubbles or stripes, the system forms pinned stripe states that are perpendicular to the substrate trough direction. The system exhibits multiple reentrant pinning effects as a function of increasing attraction, with the anisotropic crystal and large bubble states experiencing weak pinning but the stripe and smaller bubble states showing stronger pinning. We map out the different dynamic phases as a function of filling, the strength of the attractive interaction term, the substrate strength, and the drive, and demonstrate that the different phases produce identifiable features in the transport curves and particle orderings.
Comment: 15 pages, 24 postscript figures
Databáze: arXiv