LLM-based policy generation for intent-based management of applications

Autor: Dzeparoska, Kristina, Lin, Jieyu, Tizghadam, Ali, Leon-Garcia, Alberto
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: 2023 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2023, pp. 1-7
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.23919/CNSM59352.2023.10327837
Popis: Automated management requires decomposing high-level user requests, such as intents, to an abstraction that the system can understand and execute. This is challenging because even a simple intent requires performing a number of ordered steps. And the task of identifying and adapting these steps (as conditions change) requires a decomposition approach that cannot be exactly pre-defined beforehand. To tackle these challenges and support automated intent decomposition and execution, we explore the few-shot capability of Large Language Models (LLMs). We propose a pipeline that progressively decomposes intents by generating the required actions using a policy-based abstraction. This allows us to automate the policy execution by creating a closed control loop for the intent deployment. To do so, we generate and map the policies to APIs and form application management loops that perform the necessary monitoring, analysis, planning and execution. We evaluate our proposal with a use-case to fulfill and assure an application service chain of virtual network functions. Using our approach, we can generalize and generate the necessary steps to realize intents, thereby enabling intent automation for application management.
Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in 2023 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 3rd International Workshop on Analytics for Service and Application Management (AnServApp 2023)
Databáze: arXiv