Approximating Competitive Equilibrium by Nash Welfare

Autor: Garg, Jugal, Tao, Yixin, Végh, László A.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We explore the relationship between two popular concepts on allocating divisible items: competitive equilibrium (CE) and allocations with maximum Nash welfare, i.e., allocations where the weighted geometric mean of the utilities is maximal. When agents have homogeneous concave utility functions, these two concepts coincide: the classical Eisenberg-Gale convex program that maximizes Nash welfare over feasible allocations yields a competitive equilibrium. However, these two concepts diverge for non-homogeneous utilities. From a computational perspective, maximizing Nash welfare amounts to solving a convex program for any concave utility functions, computing CE becomes PPAD-hard already for separable piecewise linear concave (SPLC) utilities. We introduce the concept of Gale-substitute utility functions, an analogue of the weak gross substitutes (WGS) property for the so-called Gale demand system. For Gale-substitutes utilities, we show that any allocation maximizing Nash welfare provides an approximate-CE with surprisingly strong guarantees, where every agent gets at least half the maximum utility they can get at any CE, and is approximately envy-free. Gale-substitutes include examples of utilities where computing CE is PPAD hard: in particular, all separable concave utilities, and the previously studied non-separable class of Leontief-free utilities. We introduce a new, general class of utility functions called generalized network utilities based on the generalized flow model; this class includes SPLC and Leontief-free utilities. We show that all such utilities are Gale-substitutes. Conversely, although some agents may get much higher utility at a Nash welfare maximizing allocation than at a CE, we show a price of anarchy type result: for general concave utilities, every CE achieves at least $(1/e)^{1/e} > 0.69$ fraction of the maximum Nash welfare, and this factor is tight.
Databáze: arXiv