Entangling two exciton modes using exciton optomechanics

Autor: Zuo, Xuan, Fan, Zhi-Yuan, Zhu, Huai-Bing, Li, Jie
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Exciton optomechanics, bridging cavity exciton polaritons and optomechanics, opens new opportunities for the study of light-matter strong interactions and nonlinearities, due to the rich nonlinear couplings among excitons, phonons, and photons. Here, we propose to entangle two exciton modes in an exciton-optomechanical system, which consists of a semiconductor optomechanical microcavity integrated with two quantum wells. The quantum wells support two exciton modes, which simultaneously couple to an optical cavity mode via a linear coupling, and the cavity mode also couples to a mechanical vibration mode via a dispersive optomechanical interaction, accounting for both the radiation pressure and the photoelastic effect. We show that by strongly driving the microcavity with a red-detuned laser field and when the two exciton modes are respectively resonant with the Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands scattered by the mechanical motion, stationary entanglement between the two exciton modes can be established under currently available parameters. The entanglement is robust against various dissipations of the system and can be achieved at room temperature for a mechanical quality factor higher than $\sim10^4$.
Databáze: arXiv