A high resolution rovibronic molecular cross-section of MgH+ molecular cation

Autor: Xiao, Huagang, Gao, Tao
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The high resolution rovibronic line list of MgH+ molecular cation are presented in our work. The potential energy curves are calculated by the method of multireference configuration interaction plus Davidson correction (MRCI+Q) and spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effect. Spectroscopy constants are fitted and the results are in good agreement with the experiment, ensuring the accuracy of the electronic structure. On account of potential energy curves and transition dipole moments, the Franck - Condon factors and Einstein coefficients of transition are obtained. These calculations are used to obtain an accurate partition functions and line list for the molecule. Using the data obtained from the ab initio calculation, the absorption cross-sections under different temperatures and pressures were simulated. Our work could provide some theoretical insights into solar and cold planet spectrum.
Databáze: arXiv