Deep Chandra observations of Abell 2495: a possible sloshing-regulated feedback cycle in a triple-offset galaxy cluster

Autor: Rosignoli, Luca, Ubertosi, Francesco, Gitti, Myriam, Brighenti, Fabrizio, Pasini, Thomas, O'Sullivan, Ewan, Gastaldello, Fabio, Gaspari, Massimo, Temi, Pasquale
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We present the analysis of new, deep $Chandra$ observations (130~ks) of the galaxy cluster Abell~2495. This object is known for the presence of a triple offset between the peaks of the intracluster medium (ICM), the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), and the warm gas glowing in H$\alpha$ line. The new $Chandra$ data confirm that the X-ray emission peak is located at a distance of $\sim$6.2 kpc from the BCG, and at $\sim$3.9 kpc from the H$\alpha$ emission peak. Moreover, we identify two generations of X-ray cavities in the ICM, likely inflated by the central radio galaxy activity. Through a detailed morphological and spectral analysis we determine that the power of the AGN outbursts ($P_{cav} = 4.7\pm1.3\times10^{43}$~erg~s$^{-1}$) is enough to counterbalance the radiative losses from ICM cooling ($L_{cool} = 5.7\pm0.1\times10^{43}$~erg~s$^{-1}$). This indicates that, despite a fragmented cooling core, Abell~2495 still harbors an effective feedback cycle. We argue that the offsets are most likely caused by sloshing of the ICM, supported by the presence of spiral structures and a probable cold front in the gas at $\sim$58 kpc east of the center. Ultimately, we find that the outburst interval between the two generations of X-ray cavities is of the order of the dynamical sloshing timescale, as already hinted from the previous $Chandra$ snapshot. We thus speculate that sloshing may be able to regulate the timescales of AGN feedback in Abell~2495, by periodically fuelling the central AGN.
Databáze: arXiv