A Cyclic Placement Strategy for Multi-access Coded Caching

Autor: Chen, Zeru, Liu, Nan, Kang, Wei
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We investigate the multi-access coded caching problem, which involves $N$ files, $K$ users, and $K$ caches in this paper. Each user can access $L$ adjacent caches in a cyclic manner. We present a coded placement scheme for the case of cache $M=\frac{K-1}{KL}$, when $\frac{K-1}{L}$ is an integer. The scheme is based on coded placement and involves cyclic placement in caches. In many parameter settings, our scheme achieves a lower transmission rate compared to schemes without coded placement. Additionally, the achieved transmission rate of the proposed scheme is optimal when $L=K-1$ and $N\leq K$.
Databáze: arXiv