Generation of Robust Entanglement in Plasmonically Coupled Quantum Dots Driven by Quantum Squeezed Light

Autor: Soleimanikahnoj, Sina, Gray, Stephen K., Scherer, Norbert F.
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Our cavity quantum electrodynamics calculations demonstrate generation of steady-state entanglement between a plasmonically coupled pair of quantum dots by using single-mode squeezed light source. We show that strong coupling of plasmons to the incoming light source and the pairwise nature of squeezed photon generation enable the formation of entanglement between the initially unexcited quantum dots. The entanglement of quantum dots, measured as concurrence, can be improved replacing a pulsed source of light to continuous pumping of squeezed photons. Unlike previously introduced schemes the concurrence is robust against variations in the system parameters. Specifically, the generation of entanglement does not rely on fine tuning of plasmon quantum dot coupling. This work provides a new perspective for robust entangled state preparation in open quantum systems.
Databáze: arXiv