Quantitative evaluation of methods to analyze motion changes in single-particle experiments

Autor: Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Bachimanchi, Harshith, Pineda, Jesús, Midtvedt, Benjamin, Lewenstein, Maciej, Metzler, Ralf, Krapf, Diego, Volpe, Giovanni, Manzo, Carlo
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The analysis of live-cell single-molecule imaging experiments can reveal valuable information about the heterogeneity of transport processes and interactions between cell components. These characteristics are seen as motion changes in the particle trajectories. Despite the existence of multiple approaches to carry out this type of analysis, no objective assessment of these methods has been performed so far. Here, we have designed a competition to characterize and rank the performance of these methods when analyzing the dynamic behavior of single molecules. To run this competition, we have implemented a software library to simulate realistic data corresponding to widespread diffusion and interaction models, both in the form of trajectories and videos obtained in typical experimental conditions. The competition will constitute the first assessment of these methods, provide insights into the current limits of the field, foster the development of new approaches, and guide researchers to identify optimal tools for analyzing their experiments.
Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure, 2 tables. Stage 1 registered report, accepted in principle in Nature Communications (https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/journal_contribution/Quantitative_evaluation_of_methods_to_analyze_motion_changes_in_single-particle_experiments_Registered_Report_Stage_1_Protocol_/24771687)
Databáze: arXiv