Is there a (Pseudo)Scalar at 95 GeV?

Autor: Arcadi, Giorgio, Busoni, Giorgio, Cabo-Almeida, David, Krishnan, Navneet
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We discuss the possibility of interpreting the recent experimental hints, in favour of a 95 GeV resonance, with extensions of the Standard Model featuring an extra Higgs doublet and SM scalar (2HDM+s) or pseudoscalar singlet (2HDM+a). The possibility of reproducing the experimental anomalies will be compared with the theoretical constraints on the extended Higgs sector as well as complementary bounds coming from flavour physics as well as other colliders searchers. For both the 2HDM+s and 2HDM+a we will consider a generic natural flavour conserving (NFC) as well as the customary Type-I, -II, -X and -Y configurations of the Yukawa coupling to the BSM Higgs bosons.
Comment: 45 pages, 8 figures
Databáze: arXiv