Multi-scale Semantic Correlation Mining for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

Autor: Cheng, Ke, Hua, Xuecheng, Lu, Hu, Tu, Juanjuan, Wang, Yuanquan, Wang, Shitong
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The main challenge in the Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification (VI-ReID) task lies in how to extract discriminative features from different modalities for matching purposes. While the existing well works primarily focus on minimizing the modal discrepancies, the modality information can not thoroughly be leveraged. To solve this problem, a Multi-scale Semantic Correlation Mining network (MSCMNet) is proposed to comprehensively exploit semantic features at multiple scales and simultaneously reduce modality information loss as small as possible in feature extraction. The proposed network contains three novel components. Firstly, after taking into account the effective utilization of modality information, the Multi-scale Information Correlation Mining Block (MIMB) is designed to explore semantic correlations across multiple scales. Secondly, in order to enrich the semantic information that MIMB can utilize, a quadruple-stream feature extractor (QFE) with non-shared parameters is specifically designed to extract information from different dimensions of the dataset. Finally, the Quadruple Center Triplet Loss (QCT) is further proposed to address the information discrepancy in the comprehensive features. Extensive experiments on the SYSU-MM01, RegDB, and LLCM datasets demonstrate that the proposed MSCMNet achieves the greatest accuracy.
Databáze: arXiv