A self-synthesized origin of heavy metals in hot subdwarf stars?

Autor: Battich, T., Bertolami, M. M. Miller, Serenelli, A. M., Justham, S., Weiss, A.
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Some He-rich hot subdwarf stars (He-sdOBs) present high abundances of trans-iron elements, such as Sr, Y, Zr and Pb. Diffusion processes are important in hot subdwarf stars, and it is thought that the high abundances of heavy elements in these stars are due to the action of radiative levitation. However, during the formation of He-sdOBs, hydrogen can be ingested into the convective zone driven by the He-core flash. It is known that episodes in which protons are being ingested into He-burning convective zones can lead to neutron-capture processes and the formation of heavy elements. In this work we aim to explore for the first time if neutron-capture processes can occur in late He-core flashes happening in the cores of the progenitors of He-sdOBs. We compute a detailed evolutionary model of a stripped red-giant star with a stellar evolution code with a nuclear network comprising 32 isotopes. Then we post-process the stellar models in the phase of He and H burning with a post-processing nucleosynthesis code with a nuclear network of 1190 species that allows us to follow the neutron-capture processes in detail. We find the occurrence of neutron-capture processes in our model, with neutron densities reaching a value of $\sim5\times10^{12}\,{\rm cm}^{-3}$. We find that the trans-iron elements are enhanced in the surface by 1 to 2 dex as compared to initial compositions. Moreover, the relative abundance pattern $[{\rm X}_i/\rm{Fe}]$ produced by neutron-capture processes closely resembles those observed in some He-sdOBs, hinting at a possible self-synthesized origin of the heavy elements in these stars. We conclude that intermediate neutron-capture processes can occur during a proton ingestion event in the He-core flash of stripped red-giant stars. This mechanism offers a natural channel to produce the heavy elements observed in some of the He-sdOBs.
Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters. 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 appendix
Databáze: arXiv