Vacancy-Engineered Phonon Polaritons in $\alpha$-MoO$_3$

Autor: Hussain, Naveed, Sakib, Mashnoon Alam, Li, Zhaoxu, Harris, William, Ahmed, Shehzad, Wu, Ruqian, Wickramasinghe, H. Kumar, Shcherbakov, Maxim R.
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Low-symmetry van der Waals materials have enabled strong confinement of mid-infrared light through hyperbolic phonon polaritons (HPhPs) at the nanoscale. Yet, the bottleneck persists in manipulating the intrinsic polaritonic dispersion to drive further progress in phonon-polaritonics. Here, we present a thermomechanical strategy to manipulate the HPhPs in $\alpha$-MoO$_3$ using high pressure and temperature treatment. The hot pressing engineers the stoichiometry of $\alpha$-MoO$_3$ by controllably introducing oxygen vacancy defects (OVDs), which cause a semiconductor-to-semimetal transition. Our density functional theory and finite-difference time-domain results, combined with experimental studies show that the OVDs induce a metastable metallic state by reducing the bandgap while modifying the intrinsic dielectric permittivity of $\alpha$-MoO$_3$. Photo-induced force microscopy confirms an average dielectric permittivity tunability of $|\Delta\varepsilon/\varepsilon|\approx0.35$ within a Reststrahlen band of $\alpha$-MoO$_3$, resulting in drastic shifts in the HPhP dispersion. The polariton lifetimes for pristine and hot-pressed flakes were measured as $0.92 \pm 0.06$ and $0.86 \pm 0.11$ ps, respectively, exhibiting a loss of only 7%, while the group velocity exhibited an increase of $38.8 \pm 0.2$%. The OVDs in $\alpha$-MoO$_3$ provide a low-loss platform that enables active tuning of mid-infrared HPhPs and have a profound impact on applications in super-resolution imaging, nanoscale thermal manipulation, boosted molecular sensing, and on-chip photonic circuits.
Comment: 42 pages, 13 figures, supporting information
Databáze: arXiv