The Monodromic Axion-Photon Coupling

Autor: Agrawal, Prateek, Platschorre, Arthur
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We consider the general form of the axion coupling to photons in the axion-Maxwell theory. On general grounds this coupling takes the form of a monodromic function of the axion, which we call $g(a)$, multiplying the Chern-Pontryagin density $F \widetilde{F}$ of the photon. We show that the non-linearity of $g(a)$ is a spurion for the shift symmetry of the axion. In this context, when $g(a) \neq \mathbb{Z}a$, the linearized coupling of the axion $g'(a)$ is not quantized and there is a correlated mass term for the axion. Singularities in $g(a)$ due to the fast rearrangement of degrees of freedom are shown to have corresponding cusps and singularities in the axion potential. We derive the general form of $g(a)$ for the QCD axion, axions with perturbatively broken shift symmetries and axions descending from extra dimensions. In all cases, we show that there is a uniform general form of the monodromic function $g(a)$ and it is connected to the axion potential.
Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; v2: typos corrected, references added
Databáze: arXiv