Observing hidden neuronal states in experiments

Autor: Amakhin, Dmitry, Chizhov, Anton, Girier, Guillaume, Desroches, Mathieu, Sieber, Jan, Rodrigues, Serafim
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We construct systematically experimental steady-state bifurcation diagrams for entorhinal cortex neurons. A slowly ramped voltage-clamp electrophysiology protocol serves as closed-loop feedback controlled experiment for the subsequent current-clamp open-loop protocol on the same cell. In this way, the voltage-clamped experiment determines dynamically stable and unstable (hidden) steady states of the current-clamp experiment. The transitions between observable steady states and observable spiking states in the current-clamp experiment reveal stability and bifurcations of the steady states, completing the steady-state bifurcation diagram.
Databáze: arXiv