Revisiting Planetary Systems in Okayama Planet Search Program: A new long-period planet, RV astrometry joint analysis, and multiplicity-metallicity trend around evolved stars

Autor: Teng, Huan-Yu, Sato, Bun'ei, Kuzuhara, Masayuki, Takarada, Takuya, Omiya, Masashi, Harakawa, Hiroki, Izumiura, Hideyuki, Kambe, Eiji, Yilmaz, Mesut, Bikmaev, Ilfan, Selam, Selim O., Brandt, Timothy D., Xiao, Guang-Yao, Yoshida, Michitoshi, Itoh, Yoichi, Ando, Hiroyasu, Kokubo, Eiichiro, Ida, Shigeru
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: In this study, we revisit 32 planetary systems around evolved stars observed within the framework of the Okayama Planet Search Program and its collaborative framework of the EAPS-Net to search for additional companions and investigate the properties of stars and giant planets in multiple-planet systems. With our latest radial velocities obtained from Okayama Astrophysical Observatory (OAO), we confirm an additional giant planet in the wide orbit of 75 Cet system ($P_{\rm{c}} = 2051.62_{-40.47}^{+45.98}\ \rm{d}$, $M_{\rm{c}}\sin i=0.912_{-0.090}^{+0.088}\ M_{\rm{J}}$, and $a_{\rm{c}}=3.929_{-0.058}^{+0.052}\ \rm{au}$), along with five stars exhibiting long-term radial velocity accelerations, which indicates massive companions in the wide orbits. We have also found that the radial velocity variations of several planet-harboring stars may indicate additional planet candidates, stellar activities, or other understudied sources. These stars include $\epsilon$ Tau, 11 Com, 24 Boo, 41 Lyn, 14 And, HD 32518, and $\omega$ Ser. We further constrain the orbital configuration of the HD 5608, HD 14067, HD 120084, and HD 175679 systems by combining radial velocities with astrometry, as their host central stars exhibit significant astrometric accelerations. For other systems, we simply refine their orbital parameters. Moreover, our study indicates that the OPSP planet-harboring stars are more metal-poor compared to the currently known planet-harboring stars, and this is likely due to the $B-V$ color upper limit at 1.0 for star selection in the beginning of the survey. Finally, by investigating the less-massive giant planets ($< 5 M_{\rm{J}}$) around currently known planet-harboring evolved stars, we have found that metallicity positively correlates with the multiplicity and total planet mass of the system, which can be evidence for the core-accretion planet formation model.
Comment: 49 figures, 4 tables, accepted by PASJ, RV data will be available online as supplementary after the publication
Databáze: arXiv