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We obtain the inequalities of the form $$\int_{\Omega}|\nabla u(x)|^2h(u(x))\,{\rm d} x\leq C\int_{\Omega} \left( \sqrt{ |P u(x)||\mathcal{T}_{H}(u(x))|}\right)^{2}h(u(x))\, {\rm d} x +\Theta,$$ where $\Omega\subset \mathbf{R}^n$ is a bounded Lipschitz domain, $u\in W^{2,1}_{\rm loc}(\Omega)$ is nonnegative, $P$ is a uniformly elliptic operator in nondivergent form, ${\cal T}_{H}(\cdot )$ is certain transformation of the nonnegative continuous function $h(\cdot)$, and $\Theta$ is the boundary term which depends on boundary values of $u$ and $\nabla u$, which holds under some additional assumptions. We apply such inequalities to obtain a priori estimates for solutions of nonlinear eigenvalue problems like $Pu=f(x)\tau (u)$, where $f\in L^1(\Omega)$, and provide several examples dealing with $\tau(\cdot)$ being power, power-logarithmic or exponential function. Our results are also linked with several issues from the probability and potential theory like Douglas formulae and representation of harmonic functions. |