Novel Categories Discovery Via Constraints on Empirical Prediction Statistics

Autor: Hasan, Zahid, Faridee, Abu Zaher Md, Ahmed, Masud, Purushotham, Sanjay, Kwon, Heesung, Lee, Hyungtae, Roy, Nirmalya
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Novel Categories Discovery (NCD) aims to cluster novel data based on the class semantics of known classes using the open-world partial class space annotated dataset. As an alternative to the traditional pseudo-labeling-based approaches, we leverage the connection between the data sampling and the provided multinoulli (categorical) distribution of novel classes. We introduce constraints on individual and collective statistics of predicted novel class probabilities to implicitly achieve semantic-based clustering. More specifically, we align the class neuron activation distributions under Monte-Carlo sampling of novel classes in large batches by matching their empirical first-order (mean) and second-order (covariance) statistics with the multinoulli distribution of the labels while applying instance information constraints and prediction consistency under label-preserving augmentations. We then explore a directional statistics-based probability formation that learns the mixture of Von Mises-Fisher distribution of class labels in a unit hypersphere. We demonstrate the discriminative ability of our approach to realize semantic clustering of novel samples in image, video, and time-series modalities. We perform extensive ablation studies regarding data, networks, and framework components to provide better insights. Our approach maintains 94%, 93%, 85%, and 93% (approx.) classification accuracy in labeled data while achieving 90%, 84%, 72%, and 75% (approx.) clustering accuracy for novel categories in Cifar10, UCF101, MPSC-ARL, and SHAR datasets that match state-of-the-art approaches without any external clustering.
Databáze: arXiv