A re-analysis of equilibrium chemistry in five hot Jupiters

Autor: Panek, Emilie, Beaulieu, Jean-Philippe, Drossart, Pierre, Venot, Olivia, Changeat, Quentin, Al-Refaie, Ahmed, Gressier, Amélie
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: A&A 677, A51 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202345975
Popis: Studying chemistry and chemical composition is fundamental to go back to formation history of planetary systems. We propose here to have another look at five targets to better determine their composition and the chemical mechanisms that take place in their atmospheres. We present a re-analysis of five Hot Jupiters, combining multiple instruments and using Bayesian retrieval methods. We compare different combinations of molecules present in the simulated atmosphere, different chemistry types as well as different clouds parametrization. As a consequence of recent studies questioning the detection of Na and K in the atmosphere of HD 209458b as being potentially contaminated by stellar lines when present, we study the impact on other retrieval parameters of misinterpreting the presence of these alkali species. We use spatially scanned observations from the grisms G102 and G141 of the WFC3 on HST, with a wavelength coverage of $\sim$0.8 to $\sim$1.7 microns. We analyse these data with the publicly available Iraclis pipeline. We added to our datasets STIS observations to increase our wavelength coverage from $\sim$0.4 to $\sim$1.7 microns. We then performed a Bayesian retrieval analysis with the open-source TauREx using a nested sampling algorithm. We explore the influence of including Na and K on the retrieval of the molecules from the atmosphere. Our data re-analysis and Bayesian retrieval are consistent with previous studies but we find small differences in the retrieved parameters. After all, Na and K has no significant impact on the properties of the planet atmospheres. Therefore, we present here our new best-fit models, taking into account molecular abundances varying freely and equilibrium chemistry. This work is a preparation for a future addition of more sophisticated representation of chemistry taking into account disequilibrium effects such as vertical mixing and photochemistry.
Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures
Databáze: arXiv