Mean range bunching of exotic nuclei produced by in-flight fragmentation and fission -- Stopped-beam experiments with increased efficiency

Autor: Dickel, Timo, Hornung, Christine, Amanbayev, Daler, Andres, Samuel Ayet San, Beck, Soenke, Bergmann, Julian, Geissel, Hans, Gerl, Juergen, Gorska, Magdalena, Groef, Lizzy, Haettner, Emma, Hucka, Jan-Paul, Kostyleva, Daria A., Kripko-Koncz, Gabriella, Mollaebrahimi, Ali, Mukha, Ivan, Pietri, Stephane, Plaß, Wolfgang R., Podolyak, Zsolt, Purushothaman, Sivaji, Reiter, Moritz Pascal, Roesch, Heidi, Scheidenberger, Christoph, Tanaka, Yoshiki K., Weick, Helmut, Zhao, Jianwei, Collaboration, Super-FRS Experiment
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: NIM B 541 (2023) 275-278
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.05.018
Popis: The novel technique of mean range bunching has been developed and applied at the projectile fragment separator FRS at GSI in four experiments of the FAIR phase-0 experimental program. Using a variable degrader system at the final focal plane of the FRS, the ranges of the different nuclides can be aligned, allowing to efficiently implant a large number of different nuclides simultaneously in a gas-filled stopping cell or an implantation detector. Stopping and studying a cocktail beam overcomes the present limitations of stopped-beam experiments. The conceptual idea of mean range bunching is described and illustrated using simulations. In a single setting of the FRS, 37 different nuclides were stopped in the cryogenic stopping cell and were measured in a single setting broadband mass measurement with the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer of the FRS Ion Catcher.
Databáze: arXiv