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Let $R$ be a ring and let $J(R)$, $C(R)$ be its Jacobson radical and center, correspondingly. If $R$ is a centrally essential ring and the factor ring $R/J(R)$ is commutative, then any minimal right ideal is contained in the center $C(R)$. A right Artinian (or right Noetherian subdirectly indecomposable) centrally essential ring is a right and left Artinian local ring. We describe centrally essential Noetherian subdirectly indecomposable rings and centrally essential rings with subdirectly indecomposable center. We give examples of non-commutative subdirectly indecomposable, centrally essential rings. The work of Oleg Lyubimtsev is supported by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project FSWR-2023-0034. The study of Askar Tuganbaev is supported by grant of Russian Science Foundation (=RSF), project 22-11-00052, https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-11-00052. |