The effect of gluon condensate on the entanglement entropy in a holographic model

Autor: Chen, Xun, Yu, Bo, Chu, Peng-Cheng, Li, Xiao-Hua
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The effect of gluon condensate on the holographic entanglement entropy is investigated in an Einstein-Dilaton model at zero and finite temperature. There is a critical length for the difference of entanglement entropy between the connected and disconnected surfaces in this model, which is often regarded as a signal of phase transition. With the increase of gluon condensate, the critical length becomes small, which means the confinement becomes strong at zero temperature. At finite temperatures, results show that the effect of gluon condensate on the critical length is qualitatively consistent with the case of zero temperature. However, the temperature will slightly increase the critical length for a fixed gluon condensate, which indicates the temperature will contribute to the deconfinement of the system.
Databáze: arXiv