2HDM interpretations of the CMS diphoton excess at 95 GeV

Autor: Azevedo, Duarte, Biekötter, Thomas, Ferreira, P. M.
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: In both Run 1 and Run 2 of the LHC, the CMS collaboration has observed an excess of events in the searches for low-mass Higgs bosons in the diphoton final state at a mass of about 95 GeV. After a recent update of the experimental analysis, in which the full Run 2 data collected at 13 TeV has been included and an improved experimental calibration has been applied, the local significance of the excess amounts to $2.9\sigma$. The presence of this diphoton excess is especially interesting in view of a further excess observed by CMS in ditau final states at a comparable mass and similar local significance. Moreover, an excess of events with about $2\sigma$ local significance and consistent with a mass of 95 GeV was observed in LEP searches for a Higgs boson decaying to pairs of bottom quarks. We interpret the CMS diphoton excess in combination with the ditau excess in terms of a pseudoscalar resonance in the CP-conserving two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM). Furthermore, we discuss the possibility that, if CP-violation is taken into account, a CP-mixed scalar state can in addition describe the LEP result, thus accommodating all three excesses simultaneously. We find that the region of parameter space where both the CMS diphoton and ditau excesses can be fitted is in tension with current constraints from the flavour sector, potentially calling for other new-physics contributions to flavour-physics observables, most notably $b \to s\gamma$ transitions. We also comment on the compatibility with the recent ATLAS di-photon searches.
Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures
Databáze: arXiv