Area theorem in a ring laser cavity

Autor: Pakhomov, Anton, Arkhipov, Mikhail, Rosanov, Nikolay, Arkhipov, Rostislav
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.023506
Popis: The generalization of the area theorem is derived for the case of a pulse circulating inside a ring laser cavity. In contrast to the standard area theorem, which is valid for a single pass of a traveling pulse through a resonant medium, the obtained generalized area theorem takes into account the medium-assisted nonlinear self-action effects through the medium excitation left by the pulse at the previous round-trip in the cavity. The generalized area theorem was then applied to the theoretical description of the dynamics of a single-section ring-cavity laser and the steady solutions for the pulse area and for the medium parameters were found both in the limit of a lumped model and for a spatially-extended system. The derived area theorem can be used for the convenient analytical description of different coherent photonic devices, like coherently mode-locked lasers or pulse compressors, as well as for the analysis of the photon echo formation in cavity-based setups.
Databáze: arXiv