Amplitude and phase noise in Two-membrane cavity optomechanics

Autor: Marzioni, Francesco, Rasponi, Francesco, Piergentili, Paolo, Natali, Riccardo, Di Giuseppe, Giovanni, Vitali, David
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Frontiers in Physics, 24 July 2023, Section Optics and Photonics, Volume 11 - 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1222056
Popis: Cavity optomechanics is a suitable field to explore quantum effects on macroscopic objects and develop quantum technology applications. A perfect control of the laser noise is required to operate the system in such extreme conditions necessary to reach the quantum regime. In this paper, we consider a Fabry-Per\'ot cavity, driven by two laser fields, with two partially reflective SiN membranes inside it. We describe the effects of amplitude and phase noise on the laser introducing two additional noise terms in the Langevin equations of the system's dynamics. Experimentally, we add an artificial source of noise on the laser. We calibrate the intensity of the noise, inject it into the system, and check the validity of the theoretical model. This procedure provides an accurate description of the effects of a noisy laser in the optomechanical setup and allows for quantifying the amount of noise.
Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 1 table
Databáze: arXiv