Emergent structural correlations in dense liquids

Autor: Pihlajamaa, Ilian, Laudicina, Corentin C. L., Luo, Chengjie, Janssen, Liesbeth M. C.
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The complete quantitative description of the structure of dense and supercooled liquids remains a notoriously difficult problem in statistical physics. Most studies to date focus solely on two-body structural correlations, and only a handful of papers have sought to consider additional three-body correlations. Here, we go beyond the state of the art by extracting many-body static structure factors from molecular dynamics simulations and by deriving accurate approximations up to the six-body structure factor via density functional theory. We find that supercooling manifestly increases four-body correlations, akin to the two- and three-body case. However, at small wave numbers, we observe that the four-point structure of a liquid drastically changes upon supercooling, both qualitatively and quantitatively, which is not the case in two-point structural correlations. This indicates that theories of the structure or dynamics of dense liquids should incorporate many-body correlations beyond the two-particle level to fully capture their intricate behaviour.
Databáze: arXiv